BuilderBid is saving us around 15 hours a month on estimating. New construction quotes take half as much time as before. Game changer! — Oliver Matthews
Holly Construction
Bo’s team imported our budget spreadsheet and saved it as a template the same day we sent it. They made the initial setup easy and the support is unmatched!
— Holly Johnson
Solid Rock Builders
We love using BuilderBid to walk customers through the budget. Once everything is itemized, the client can make changes and see the project budget update in real time.
— Lucas Roberts
Stone Concepts
We have 2 retail locations using BuilderBid for takeoffs. Now our sales reps can turnaround quotes much faster for their builders and it saves a ton of office time.
— Nic Graves
Stone Concepts
We have 2 retail locations using BuilderBid for takeoffs. Now our sales reps can turnaround quotes much faster for their builders and it saves a ton of office time.
— Nic Graves
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We want to save you time on pre-construction and help you deliver more accurate bids.
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