Bidding Made Easy

Send bid requests in seconds. The bid management dashboard will organize and streamline your RFQ process.

Use our specifications feature to ensure clients know exactly what is being included in the price and to tell subs how to quote the job.

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Website - Bidding

Bid Management

It’s a challenge keeping track of who you sent bid requests to, remembering if they have responded, and determining who you need to follow up with.

This one tool replaces email and ensures you never have to waste time meeting contractors in person for their bids.

Keep your bid requests organized and efficient.

Bid Management

bidding1 Website - Bidding

It’s a challenge keeping track of who you sent bid requests to, remembering if they have responded, and determining who you need to follow up with.

This one tool replaces email and ensures you never have to waste time meeting contractors in person for their bids.

Keep your bid requests organized and efficient.

Website - Bidding


Our specs feature replaces word docs and email for project requirements.

It’s fully customizable (and template-able).

When residential plans lack details about the features & finishes, Custom Home Builders now have an easy tool to show clients and subs what is to be included in the price.

Avoid surprises and eliminate the gray area with this feature.


specs5 Website - Bidding

Our specs feature replaces word docs and email for project requirements.

It’s fully customizable (and template-able).

When residential plans lack details about the features & finishes, Custom Home Builders now have an easy tool to show clients and subs what is to be included in the price.

Avoid surprises and eliminate the gray area with this feature.

3 Quick Steps to Request a Bid

Select Subs/Vendors

Create a bid request and choose which subs/vendors to send it to

Note Any Requirements

Attach certain specs OR leave a note to clarify what should be included


Plans are attached automatically. Just click Send, then repeat for the next trade!

Want To Learn More?

The #1 new bid management tool for builders
Manage specs & bids on the go
Send and receive bids on any device (phone, tablet, laptop, etc.)