August 13 Release Updates

Ready to see everything we’ve been improving? Keep reading!

New Project Dashboard

–fully configurable dashboard (add columns, delete columns, move columns)
–change column names and colors
–add custom tags
–assign clients to projects
–choose which columns display Project Totals

–toggle to see the List View

Select Sheets When Creating a Project

When you upload a PDF file that contains multiple sheets, you will now be prompted to choose which sheets you want to include for takeoffs.

This will help you manage larger plan files, so you can remove unwanted pages.

Spreadsheet Resequencing Feature

Move item rows, groups, or sections around in the spreadsheet. Easy as Drag & Drop.

Export to Excel: New File Formats

We’re in the process of adding more export file formats, so you can easily transition the project budget to other platforms for actuals tracking.

When you click Export, you will now see the option to export to excel OR to other formats compatible with Buildertrend, BuildBook, Contractor Foreman, etc.

Quickbooks Online and Quickbooks Desktop integrations will be included in a future release.

This feature is in BETA, so let us know if you find any issues

Not seeing your job management platform? Send us a message requesting we add it.

export new file formats Marketing – New Feature Updates

New Legend Tool + Text Box

Now you can add a legend box to any sheet. This box shows the visible measurements, along with their quantities and other properties.

We also added a text box tool. You can change the size and color of the text.

Include Notes when Cost Codes are ON

For users who assign each line item to a cost code, now you can use the Notes field too!
Toggle between showing the Notes column OR the Cost Codes column at any time, for any project.

3 New Proposal Formatting Options

If you use the Notes field for describing a longer scope of work, we’ve added a few options for you:

We add a few formatting options to the Proposal “Configure the View” menu to:
#1–Show Row Borders
#2–Show Notes on Next Line

How to Add a Line Break:
#3–When editing the Notes, you can now
press Alt+Enter (or Command+Enter on MAC) to break the text to the next line within the same cell.

This will allow you to add bullet points, keep descriptions organized, etc.
Each line break will also reflect on the exported proposal.

Set Global Markup by Type

For lump sum contract formats where you want to hide your markup within the unit cost:
The global markup field now allows you to set the markup by Type

For example maybe you want: materials to get a 10% markup, while labor gets 25%, and allowances are at 0%.

You can access this setting from within a project’s spreadsheet window by clicking on the Settings icon –> Project Settings menu

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New Fields for Subs/Vendors + COI Tracking

We added several new fields to the Sub/Vendor details page:
–Upload Files
–Trade Agreement

We also allow you to track COI expiration dates to keep track of Work Comp and General Liability documents from within the platform.

Other Changes

Bid Requests – Set the Reply-To Email: under Templates & Setup -> Bid Requests, now you can set the Reply-To email to help you properly route sub/vendor replies to the bid request emails

Duplicate Template: we added a duplicate template button, so you can easily clone your templates

Duplicate Group: duplicate a group within a section

Import Template into Project: import any template into a project

That’s it for this update. As you can see, we are working hard to improve the platform and are planning some MAJOR updates for Q4!
Send us a message with your thoughts and keep the feedback coming our way.

May 30 Release – Backend Upgrades

This month we upgraded the performance of several backend systems and focused on various internal updates to prepare the application for the future.
Enjoy our most stable build ever.
Now we’re full speed ahead working on the next release!

April 12 Release – New Features

Joist Tool + Rafter Tool

Lumber takeoffs just got easier!

The all-new Joist Tool is a powerful new addition to your takeoff tool belt

Check out the animation below to see how it works

Easily Adjust For:
–Unit of Measure
(Each = # of Joists)
(LF = Linear Feet of Joists)
(SF = Square Feet of Joists)
–O.C. Spacing
–Joist Direction
–Removal of Joists
(use this to turn the joist tool into a rafter tool)
–LF of Rim Board

Try it out, then let us know your feedback and ideas for enhancing this tool!

Update Template From Any Project
(Update Line Items Directly From a Project)

Now you can update your template directly from a project.

Want to make a permanent change to your template (ex: item name, item cost, waste factor, etc.)?

We’ve added a convenient way to update the properties of any line item, right from the project.

This feature will update the following fields:
Item name, notes or cost code, unit, cost per, type, waste factor, markup, tax setting, and roundup value

Count Tool: We’ve Added New Shapes
+ Ability to Adjust Quantity

The count tool now has additional shapes you can choose from:
–circle, diamond, square, triangle, and plus sign

We’ve also enabled you to multiply each count node by a factor set by you

Example Use Cases for “Adjust Quantity”
–if you know you need 16LF of trim around a door, count the doors and adjust quantity x16
–count block piers and use this field to multiply by the number of CMU blocks per pier
–electrical drops to calculate the length of wire, etc.

Round Quantity Up or Down

Click the gear icon next to any line item to set the quantity to Round Up or Round Down

This is helpful to avoid ordering a partial box of fasteners, a partial bag of mortar, or half yard of concrete

Bid Request Enhancements

Track Email Opens, Failed Deliveries, & More

We are creating a best-in-class method for requesting and organizing your bid requests (RFQ’s)

We have implemented several new features to give you more visibility of undeliverable emails and SMS messages
(sometimes due to a typo in the email address or carrier restrictions out of our control)

As well as control over ensuring your subs & vendors still have a way to access the link to submit a bid

Improvements include:

–A new “Copy Link” feature, so you always have the option to manually send out a link to the bid submission page

–The ability to track if an email is opened (we added a new bid request status to differentiate between an opened/read email and a sub that accessed the bid submission page

new icons showing the deliverability status of emails and/or SMS messages
(these icons will turn RED if a message was not able to be delivered)

Specifications Enhancements

Choose between an option box and a drop-down box for each row in the specifications form

The new “Drop-Down Box” feature allows you to show only the selected option

While the “Option Box” choice shows all available options, including those not selected

Allowances Report Improvements

We’ve improved how the Allowances report looks when using groups

You can also hide certain columns, remove rows that do not apply, and show total without markup

Coming April 25: Pre-Built Framing Assemblies

We are working to release our pre-built framing assemblies

This allows you to pull in specific framing assemblies to any project or template

This includes:
–Floor Framing
–Wall Framing
–Ceiling Framing
–Roof Framing
–Headers, Beams, & Posts
–Hardware & Fasteners
–& More

For convenience, we’ve also linked these items to the cost database, so the pricing automatically updates based on the project location

Check back soon for more info!

February 15 Update: Huge News

BuilderBid Launches Estimating Service

BuilderBid is on a mission to automate the estimating process for builders and contractors

We want to make your life easier, get you some major time back, and help you price jobs more accurately.

I’m excited to announce the next step in this journey:
The Estimating Service for Builders and Contractors

Click Here to Watch a Video & Learn More:

Over the last 18 months, we have performed extensive research and interviews into the problems with existing takeoff and estimating services. We’ve crafted a model to solve this that will provide a much better experience and end result.

This includes:

  • an in-house US-based estimator reviews each job
  • ability to manage your own costs & budget template
  • estimators that follow your process
  • access to edit the takeoffs and make changes
  • quick turnaround + affordable pricing

A special thank you to the builders and contractors who participated in the takeoff service pilot program!

We have already completed more than 100 projects in the last 6 months in the pilot program. The feedback has been incredibly helpful as we build this out.

Check out the results from a recently completed project:

takeoff service Marketing – New Feature Updates

To request a takeoff for your next project, simply select “Purchase a Takeoff” from the Create New Project screen

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Come See Us At IBS 2024!

Will we see you in Las Vegas?
Come by and talk to us at booth W4177
We’d love to talk estimating with you, update you on what’s new, and fill you in on our product plans for 2024

December 4 Release – New Features!

Invite Team Members to Your Account

Invite members of your company to create their own account
Current subscribers can invite accounts at no additional charge!

  • Head to the My Account page (lower left corner), then click on the Manage Users tab
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Multiple Estimating Templates

Now you can create as many estimating templates as you need!
Reminder: if you need help importing a spreadsheet or setting up a template, reach out to us

  • Click on Templates & Setup from the main menu, then choose the Estimating page
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Free BuilderBid Templates

We’ve made it easy to pull in BuilderBid’s Residential New Construction Template

This template is easy to customize & comes pre-built with easy to understand assemblies, placeholders for key bids, and more
If you would like a tour of this process, schedule some time with us

Note: we’re planning to release more best-in-class templates for specialty trades & renovation companies in the coming months

builderbid template Marketing – New Feature Updates

Toggle Between Box/Point2Point Tool

Press the SHIFT Key before you add your first point to a measurement to toggle between the box tool and point-to-point tool
Easily switch back and forth as you measure different areas on the plans

Additionally, you no longer have to hold down the SHIFT Key to turn off the snap-to-90-degrees feature, just click SHIFT to enable/disable this feature while you’re in a measurement

Convert Area to Perimeter Measurement

Area measurements (SF) can be converted to perimeter lengths (LF)
Check out this quick video for an example use case that allows you to measure flooring and trim in one swoop!

  • This drop-down option is available in the measurement properties window

Allowances Report Customization

We made some improvements to the Allowances report, to give you control over what information is displayed

  • Hide columns
  • Hide rows that = $0
  • Option to Include OR Exclude Markup

Proposals Formatting

We tweaked the line items view within proposals to ensure a better viewing experience

Spreadsheet Sections Auto Collapse

We are testing out a new function in the spreadsheet where only one section is open at any one time
Please let us know your feedback: is this better or did you like it when all sections were visible at once?

September 15 (mini) Update

Full Screen Takeoffs Are Here!

We now automatically hide the spreadsheet window when you launch a measurement
Tip: just press the ENTER or ESCAPE key to complete an active measurement (to make the spreadsheet re-appear)
Try it out and let us know what you think!

Add Sales Tax to Materials by Default

When items are added to the project from the cost database, we now add sales tax to materials by default
You can still toggle “With Tax” OFF if you choose

To speed things up even more, we also now default “Use this Item Name” = YES when you haven’t named the item yet

default item name Marketing – New Feature Updates

September 1 Release – New Features!

Pricing Assistant v2

BuilderBid’s Pricing Assistant gets a major upgrade ?

The revamped catalog layout makes it easier to find the right items

600k+ new supplier items in your area have been added from suppliers like Ferguson’s /, LL Flooring, etc… (and more coming soon)

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Copy Estimate from Another Project

Estimating a project that’s similar to one you’ve already completed?

No need to start from scratch

Now you can use the “Copy from Project” feature to import an estimate spreadsheet from another project

Pre-Built Assemblies (v1)

We are working to build out a library of pre-built assemblies for every trade

You will be able to search the BuilderBid library for assemblies that you can pull right into your template or project estimate

Soon, these assemblies will be setup so they are takeoff-ready:
–measurements setup
–linked to live costs from the pricing database (when possible)

Note: this feature is still in Beta and will be enhanced in the coming months
We plan to add many more assemblies and implement an easier, more visual way to search

Bug Fixes + 39 Usability Improvements

We fixed the spreadsheet scrolling bug
We addressed an issue where the scale could not be automatically identified on certain PDF files

Plus we made 39 other minor improvements or bug fixes throughout the app
So you can enjoy a more seamless estimating experience

For example, now perform certain actions with fewer clicks:
Changes you make to measurement properties & Waste/Markup/Taxes now update immediately (no need to click Save)

Set Defaults for Global Markup & Taxes

Global Markup can be used when you want to markup most line items and hide the markup amount within the unit cost.

We added two options in the Project Settings window, so you can set default values for the global markup, tax rate, and tax settings. This will automatically default future projects to those settings.

Have questions about the best way to apply your profit & overhead the way you’re used to? Reach out to our team for assistance.

Full Screen View on Preview/Proposal Tabs

The UI now automatically adjusts to display the Preview & Proposal tabs in full screen view

New Report to Summarize Costs by Type

If you like to classify your line items by Type, then you can now use this new Summary-level report
which will break out the total cost by Type
Tip: select “Hide if Total = $0” to hide any columns/rows that do not apply

Added More Scale Options

We added the engineering scales to our scale tool (1″ = X’)
Found a scale we don’t have in the list? Let us know!

July 10 Release – New Features!

Pricing Assistant

BuilderBid’s new Pricing Assistant is live ??

We are making it even easier to predict your costs and stay ahead of rising prices

Now you can look up labor & material prices for your area (on more than 25,000 items)

Link an existing line item to a live cost in our catalog
OR search for new items to pull into your estimate template

Easily adjust the live cost up/down if needed

We’ll keep an eye out for prices increases and automatically adjust your template cost when we hear about a change

Improved Spreadsheet Performance

The spreadsheet feature just got a big upgrade

Now we can smoothly handle larger spreadsheets

With the next release, we’re planning additional improvements to the speed and responsiveness of the spreadsheet tool
((soon we’ll be able to handle 1000+ line items with ease))

Spreadsheet Groups

We made it so you have the option to organize line items into groups.

Groups can be collapsed/expanded before export, so they can be used to shorten the estimate or just to hide extra detail you don’t want to show the customer.

Customize What the Client Sees

Now you have more flexibility to customize how the budget looks for your client

The “Configure the View” menu allows you to customize what rows/columns are visible, before you export

See $/SF, Markup, Margin, & More

We’ve added an analytics section to the top of the Preview tab to summarize key metrics for your project, including:
-Builder Cost vs Total Price
-Markup vs Margin
-$/SF vs $/USF

In the future, we’ll be adding more visuals here (ex: pie chart summary)

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Allowances View

We’ve added a new view on the preview tab called ‘Allowances
This page will display any items from your spreadsheet that are marked as Type = Allowance

In your estimate template, mark any Material Allowance line item as an Allowance, so they automatically show up in this report

My Account Page: Now Easier to Navigate

We’ve re-organized the My Account page to make it easier to use

We’re also in the process of upgrading our payment system, so you can view payments, download receipts, manage payment methods, etc.

my account UI Marketing – New Feature Updates